Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Eeek! Error Message!

Last week I attempted to publish the blürg. I thought it would be cool to own the domain www.theweddingblurg.com. I followed all the instructions and right as my prize was to be handed to me a nasty and oh so cruel error message appeared on my screen. My heart began to pound. Where had my blog gone? When I tried to visit it another nasty error message would appear. I was beyond devastated. I realize this is small potatoes in a world of economic bailouts, impending recessions, and harsh political talks....but it's the little things in life that get you through the tough times. I have really enjoyed keeping the blog and couldn't bear the thought of having lost all of our entries.

Luckily our blogger account remains intact and I still have access to all of our blürgs. I just do not know how to view them. It's very strange and I am not internet savvy enough to figure out the problem. According to the blogger help center we just have to sit tight and the the problem will be solved. Hmmmm...I will see about that.

So....in the meantime we have created version 2.0 of The Wedding Blurg. Should the original ever reappear we will head back there, but for now, come visit us often. New blürgs comin atcha every day!


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